Unleash the infinite power of your gifts and let the miracles unfold in your life! 

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Programs that introduce you to your gifts:

Not sure what your unique gifts are yet? Inner spark shows you how to bridge together whats really pulling your heart strings and how to put all the pieces together for your life. Discovering hidden gifts + talents + how to use them to find your deepest desires. 

The Power of your intentions comes from your ability to find your center and send out a clean pure clear intention.  Redefine what a hero is and create your own meaning as you fully step into creating a life from fulfillment satisfaction joy and peace.  (Jan-Feb 2024)

Ready to stop second guessing yourself & circling the same problems? Unf#ck Your Gifts is your direct path to uncovering the main cause to what the subtle belief is that’s keeping you stuck and finding your unique inner combination of talents & gifts to live the life you desire.

Know your gifts, but not living it yet? Imagination Unleashed takes you on an inner journey where you allow your current life lead you to where you want to be, wipe out an entire lifetime of 'bad' habits and go straight to the source of why you are currently not living the life you want....

Seasonal Programs:

Robin Michele

About me

I have been studding metaphysics quantum physics and self transformation for over 16 years. I've been through the pit falls created by the hidden identity that keeps you from fully stepping into your self transformation. 

I am here to be your hype girl, because when you learn to be your own hype girl, nothing can stop you. Not your shadows not your hidden identity and not your ego.

Here's what some of my Clients

have to say

Robin’s program is amazing. She introduced me to concepts and ideas that I had either forgotten or never knew in the first place. The work she did with me has helped tremendously in discovering a lot about myself and what I want. I a very short amount of time I have been able to recognise and accept opportunities that I align with. The results of Robin’s valuable insights have been profound an extremely positive. I Highly recommend!!!


Robin helped me to push past my fears and embrace who I’m meant to be. I find myself facing and achieving goals that would have normally scared me or made me shut down. I would have told myself what ever lie I had to so I could walk away and not look back. Now, I feel like I’m actually chasing them down instead of waiting for them to come my way. My fears, my doubts, the lies I told myself are fading. I feel lighter, more free, I’m ready!


Robin has a way of simplifying complex issues in the most joyful way.

She opened my eyes for the tendency of my "little me" that makes everything in life so complex that it kills all of my creative power and zest for life.

She taught me how to let go gently and after a few sessions, I literally saw the light again!

My whole being feels lighter.
